from typing import List
import torch
from torch import nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from .channel_mlp import LinearChannelMLP
from .integral_transform import IntegralTransform
from .neighbor_search import NeighborSearch
from .embeddings import SinusoidalEmbedding
class GNOBlock(nn.Module):
"""GNOBlock implements a Graph Neural Operator layer as described in [1]_.
A GNO layer is a resolution-invariant operator that maps a function defined
over one coordinate mesh to another defined over another coordinate mesh using
a pointwise kernel integral that takes contributions from neighbors of distance 1
within a graph constructed via neighbor search with a specified radius.
Optionally, if provided, the input and output queries can have a positional embedding
applied using the argument pos_embedding.
The kernel integral computed in IntegralTransform
computes one of the following:
(a) \int_{A(x)} k(x, y) dy
(b) \int_{A(x)} k(x, y) * f(y) dy
(c) \int_{A(x)} k(x, y, f(y)) dy
(d) \int_{A(x)} k(x, y, f(y)) * f(y) dy
in_channels : int
number of channels in input function. Only used if transform_type
is (c) "nonlinear" or (d) "nonlinear_kernelonly"
out_channels : int
number of channels in output function
coord_dim : int
dimension of domain on which x and y are defined
radius : float
radius in which to search for neighbors
Other Parameters
transform_type : str, optional
Which integral transform to compute. The mapping is:
'linear_kernelonly' -> (a)
'linear' -> (b) [DEFAULT]
'nonlinear_kernelonly' -> (c)
'nonlinear' -> (d)
If the input f is not given then (a) is computed
by default independently of this parameter.
pos_embedding_type: literal {'transformer', 'nerf'} | None
type of positional embedding to use during the kernel integral transform.
see `neuralop.layers.embeddings.SinusoidalEmbedding` for more details.
default `'transformer'`
pos_embedding_channels : int
per-channel dimension of optional positional embedding to use, by default 32
pos_embedding_max_positions: int
`max_positions` parameter for SinusoidalEmbedding of type `'transformer'`. If
`pos_embedding_type != 'transformer'`, this value is not used. Default 10000
channel_mlp_layers : List[int], optional
list of layer widths to dynamically construct
LinearChannelMLP network to parameterize kernel k, by default None
channel_mlp_non_linearity : torch.nn function, optional
activation function for ChannelMLPLinear above, by default F.gelu
channel_mlp : nn.Module, optional
ChannelMLP parametrizing the kernel k. Input dimension
should be dim x + dim y or dim x + dim y + dim f.
ChannelMLP should not be pointwise and should only operate across
channels to preserve the discretization-invariance of the
kernel integral. If you have more specific needs than the LinearChannelMLP,
this argument allows you to pass your own Module to parameterize the kernel k.
Default None.
use_open3d_neighbor_search: bool, optional
whether to use open3d or native-PyTorch search
use_torch_scatter_reduce : bool, optional
whether to reduce in integral computation using a function
provided by the extra dependency torch_scatter or the slower
native PyTorch implementation, by default True
>>> gno = GNOBlock(in_channels=2, out_channels=12, coord_dim=3, radius=0.035)
>>> gno
(pos_embedding): SinusoidalEmbedding()
(neighbor_search): NeighborSearch()
(channel_mlp): LinearChannelMLP(
(fcs): ModuleList(
(0): Linear(in_features=384, out_features=128, bias=True)
(1): Linear(in_features=128, out_features=256, bias=True)
(2): Linear(in_features=256, out_features=128, bias=True)
(3): Linear(in_features=128, out_features=12, bias=True)
(integral_transform): IntegralTransform(
(channel_mlp): LinearChannelMLP(
(fcs): ModuleList(
(0): Linear(in_features=384, out_features=128, bias=True)
(1): Linear(in_features=128, out_features=256, bias=True)
(2): Linear(in_features=256, out_features=128, bias=True)
(3): Linear(in_features=128, out_features=12, bias=True)
.. [1] :
Zongyi Li, Kamyar Azizzadenesheli, Burigede Liu, Kaushik Bhattacharya,
Anima Anandkumar (2020). "Neural Operator: Graph Kernel Network for
Partial Differential Equations." ArXiV,
def __init__(self,
in_channels: int, # main
out_channels: int, # main
coord_dim: int, # main
radius: float, # main
transform_type="linear", # other
pos_embedding_type: str='transformer', # other
pos_embedding_channels: int=32, # other
pos_embedding_max_positions: int=10000, # other
channel_mlp_layers: List[int]=[128,256,128], # mention ratios in docstring
channel_mlp_non_linearity=F.gelu, # other
channel_mlp: nn.Module=None, # other
use_open3d_neighbor_search: bool=True, # other
use_torch_scatter_reduce: bool=True,): # other
self.in_channels = in_channels
self.out_channels = out_channels
self.coord_dim = coord_dim
self.radius = radius
# Apply sinusoidal positional embedding
self.pos_embedding_type = pos_embedding_type
if self.pos_embedding_type is not None:
self.pos_embedding = SinusoidalEmbedding(
self.pos_embedding = None
# Create in-to-out nb search module
if use_open3d_neighbor_search:
assert self.coord_dim == 3, f"Error: open3d is only designed for 3d data, \
GNO instantiated for dim={coord_dim}"
self.neighbor_search = NeighborSearch(use_open3d=use_open3d_neighbor_search)
# create proper kernel input channel dim
if self.pos_embedding is None:
# x and y dim will be coordinate dim if no pos embedding is applied
kernel_in_dim = self.coord_dim * 2
kernel_in_dim_str = "dim(y) + dim(x)"
# x and y dim will be embedding dim if pos embedding is applied
kernel_in_dim = self.pos_embedding.out_channels * 2
kernel_in_dim_str = "dim(y_embed) + dim(x_embed)"
if transform_type == "nonlinear" or transform_type == "nonlinear_kernelonly":
kernel_in_dim += self.in_channels
kernel_in_dim_str += " + dim(f_y)"
if channel_mlp is not None:
assert channel_mlp.in_channels == kernel_in_dim, f"Error: expected ChannelMLP to take\
input with {kernel_in_dim} channels (feature channels={kernel_in_dim_str}),\
got {channel_mlp.in_channels}."
assert channel_mlp.out_channels == out_channels, f"Error: expected ChannelMLP to have\
{out_channels=} but got {channel_mlp.in_channels=}."
self.channel_mlp = channel_mlp
elif channel_mlp_layers is not None:
if channel_mlp_layers[0] != kernel_in_dim:
channel_mlp_layers = [kernel_in_dim] + channel_mlp_layers
if channel_mlp_layers[-1] != self.out_channels:
self.channel_mlp = LinearChannelMLP(layers=channel_mlp_layers, non_linearity=channel_mlp_non_linearity)
# Create integral transform module
self.integral_transform = IntegralTransform(
def forward(self, y, x, f_y=None, reduction='sum'):
"""Compute a GNO neighbor search and kernel integral transform.
y : torch.Tensor of shape [n, d1]
n points of dimension d1 specifying
the space to integrate over.
If batched, these must remain constant
over the whole batch so no batch dim is needed.
x : torch.Tensor of shape [m, d1], default None
m points of dimension d1 over which the
output function is defined. Must share domain
with y
f_y : torch.Tensor of shape [batch, n, d2] or [n, d2], default None
Function to integrate the kernel against defined
on the points y. The kernel is assumed diagonal
hence its output shape must be d3 for the transforms
(b) or (d). If None, (a) is computed.
out_features : torch.Tensor of shape [batch, m, d3] or [m, d3]
Output function given on the points x.
d4 is the output size of the kernel k.
n_in = y.shape[0]
n_out = x.shape[0]
neighbors_dict = self.neighbor_search(data=y, queries=x, radius=self.radius)
if self.pos_embedding is not None:
y_embed = self.pos_embedding(y)
x_embed = self.pos_embedding(x)
y_embed = y
x_embed = x
# TODO: compute weights using the neighborhood dict
out_features = self.integral_transform(y=y_embed,
return out_features