Installing NeuralOperator
The neuraloperator
Python package provides all necessary tools for implementing operator learning.
Once installed, you can import it as neuralop
import neuralop
You will need to have Python 3 installed, as well as NumPy, Scipy, PyTorch, TensorLy and TensorLy-Torch. If you are starting with Python or generally want a pain-free experience, we recommend that you install the Anaconda distribution. It comes ready to use with all prerequisite packages.
Installing with pip
We periodically package neuraloperator for release on PyPI. This version is not guaranteed to be up-to-date with the latest changes to our code.
To install via pip, simply run, in your terminal:
pip install -U neuraloperator
(the -U is optional, use it if you want to update the package).
Building neuraloperator
from source
First ensure that you are in an environment with Python 3, NumPy, SciPy, PyTorch, TensorLy and TensorLy-Torch. Then clone the repository and cd there:
git clone
cd neuraloperator
Then, install the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
Then install the package (here in editable mode with -e, or equivalently –editable):
pip install -e .
Fast 3D spatial computing with Open3D
To accelerate spatial computing for 3D applications, we include Open3D as an optional dependency. Open3D includes utilities for reading 3D mesh files and fast 3D neighbor search. To install:
pip install open3d
Note that Open3D is only compatible with specific builds of PyTorch and CUDA. Check the sub-package Open3D-ML documentation for more details.
Running the tests
Unit-testing is an important part of this package. You can run all the tests using pytest:
pip install -r requirements_dev.txt
pytest neuralop
Building the documentation
You will need to install the dependencies:
cd doc
pip install -r requirements_doc.txt
You are now ready to build the doc (here in html):
make html
The results will be in build/html
(the main page will be build/html/index.html