- class neuralop.models.TFNO3d(*args, **kwargs)
3D Fourier Neural Operator
For the full list of parameters, see
.- Parameters:
- modes_widthint
number of modes to keep in Fourier Layer, along the width
- modes_heightint
number of Fourier modes to keep along the height
- modes_depthint
number of Fourier modes to keep along the depth
(x[, output_shape])FNO's forward pass
- forward(x, output_shape=None, **kwargs)
FNO’s forward pass
Applies optional positional encoding
Sends inputs through a lifting layer to a high-dimensional latent space
Applies optional domain padding to high-dimensional intermediate function representation
Applies n_layers Fourier/FNO layers in sequence (SpectralConvolution + skip connections, nonlinearity)
If domain padding was applied, domain padding is removed
Projection of intermediate function representation to the output channels
- Parameters:
- xtensor
input tensor
- output_shape{tuple, tuple list, None}, default is None
Gives the option of specifying the exact output shape for odd shaped inputs.
If None, don’t specify an output shape
If tuple, specifies the output-shape of the last FNO Block
If tuple list, specifies the exact output-shape of each FNO Block