- class neuralop.models.LocalNO(*args, **kwargs)[source]
N-Dimensional Local Fourier Neural Operator. The LocalNO shares its forward pass and architecture with the standard FNO, with the key difference that its Fourier convolution layers are replaced with LocalNOBlocks that place differential kernel layers and local integral layers in parallel to its Fourier layers as detailed in [1].
- Parameters:
- n_modesTuple[int]
number of modes to keep in Fourier Layer, along each dimension The dimensionality of the Local NO is inferred from
- in_channelsint
Number of channels in input function
- out_channelsint
Number of channels in output function
- hidden_channelsint
width of the Local NO (i.e. number of channels), by default 256
- default_in_shapeTuple[int]
Default input shape on spatiotemporal dimensions for structured DISCO convolutions
- n_layersint, optional
Number of Local NO block Layers, by default 4
- disco_layersbool or bool list, optional
Must be same length as n_layers, dictates whether to include a local integral kernel parallel connection at each layer. If a single bool, shared for all layers.
- disco_kernel_shape: Union[int, List[int]], optional
kernel shape for local integral. Expects either a single integer for isotropic kernels or two integers for anisotropic kernels
- domain_length: torch.Tensor, optional
extent/length of the physical domain. Assumes square domain [-1, 1]^2 by default
- disco_groups: int, optional
number of groups in the local integral convolution, by default 1
- disco_bias: bool, optional
whether to use a bias for the integral kernel, by default True
- radius_cutoff: float, optional
cutoff radius (with respect to domain_length) for the local integral kernel, by default None
- diff_layersbool or bool list, optional
Must be same length as n_layers, dictates whether to include a differential kernel parallel connection at each layer. If a single bool, shared for all layers.
- conv_padding_modestr in [‘periodic’, ‘circular’, ‘replicate’, ‘reflect’, ‘zeros’], optional
Padding mode for spatial convolution kernels.
- fin_diff_kernel_sizeodd int, optional
Conv kernel size for finite difference convolution.
- mix_derivativesbool, optional
Whether to mix derivatives across channels.
- Attributes:
- n_modes
(x[, output_shape])FNO's forward pass
- Other Parameters:
- lifting_channel_ratioint, optional
ratio of lifting channels to hidden_channels, by default 2 The number of liting channels in the lifting block of the Local FNO is lifting_channel_ratio * hidden_channels (e.g. default 512)
- projection_channel_ratioint, optional
ratio of projection channels to hidden_channels, by default 2 The number of projection channels in the projection block of the Local FNO is projection_channel_ratio * hidden_channels (e.g. default 512)
- positional_embeddingUnion[str, nn.Module], optional
Positional embedding to apply to last channels of raw input before being passed through the Local FNO. Defaults to “grid”
If “grid”, appends a grid positional embedding with default settings to
the last channels of raw input. Assumes the inputs are discretized over a grid with entry [0,0,…] at the origin and side lengths of 1.
If an initialized GridEmbedding module, uses this module directly
for details.If None, does nothing
- non_linearitynn.Module, optional
Non-Linear activation function module to use, by default F.gelu
- normstr {“ada_in”, “group_norm”, “instance_norm”}, optional
Normalization layer to use, by default None
- complex_databool, optional
Whether data is complex-valued (default False) if True, initializes complex-valued modules.
- channel_mlp_dropoutfloat, optional
dropout parameter for ChannelMLP in FNO Block, by default 0
- channel_mlp_expansionfloat, optional
expansion parameter for ChannelMLP in FNO Block, by default 0.5
- channel_mlp_skipstr {‘linear’, ‘identity’, ‘soft-gating’}, optional
Type of skip connection to use in channel-mixing mlp, by default ‘soft-gating’
- local_no_skipstr {‘linear’, ‘identity’, ‘soft-gating’}, optional
Type of skip connection to use in FNO layers, by default ‘linear’
- resolution_scaling_factorUnion[Number, List[Number]], optional
layer-wise factor by which to scale the domain resolution of function, by default None
If a single number n, scales resolution by n at each layer
if a list of numbers [n_0, n_1,…] scales layer i’s resolution by n_i.
- domain_paddingUnion[Number, List[Number]], optional
If not None, percentage of padding to use, by default None To vary the percentage of padding used along each input dimension, pass in a list of percentages e.g. [p1, p2, …, pN] such that p1 corresponds to the percentage of padding along dim 1, etc.
- domain_padding_modestr {‘symmetric’, ‘one-sided’}, optional
How to perform domain padding, by default ‘one-sided’
- local_no_block_precisionstr {‘full’, ‘half’, ‘mixed’}, optional
precision mode in which to perform spectral convolution, by default “full”
- stabilizerstr {‘tanh’} | None, optional
whether to use a tanh stabilizer in FNO block, by default None
Note: stabilizer greatly improves performance in the case local_no_block_precision=’mixed’.
- max_n_modesTuple[int] | None, optional
If not None, this allows to incrementally increase the number of
modes in Fourier domain during training. Has to verify n <= N for (n, m) in zip(max_n_modes, n_modes).
If None, all the n_modes are used.
This can be updated dynamically during training.
- factorizationstr, optional
Tensor factorization of the Local FNO layer weights to use, by default None.
If None, a dense tensor parametrizes the Spectral convolutions
Otherwise, the specified tensor factorization is used.
- rankfloat, optional
tensor rank to use in above factorization, by default 1.0
- fixed_rank_modesbool, optional
Modes to not factorize, by default False
- implementationstr {‘factorized’, ‘reconstructed’}, optional
If ‘factorized’, implements tensor contraction with the individual factors of the decomposition
If ‘reconstructed’, implements with the reconstructed full tensorized weight.
- decomposition_kwargsdict, optional
extra kwargs for tensor decomposition (see tltorch.FactorizedTensor), by default dict()
- conv_modulenn.Module, optional
module to use for FNOBlock’s convolutions, by default SpectralConv
[1]Liu-Schiaffini M., Berner J., Bonev B., Kurth T., Azizzadenesheli K., Anandkumar A.; “Neural Operators with Localized Integral and Differential Kernels” (2024). ICML 2024,
>>> from neuralop.models import LocalNO >>> model = LocalNO(n_modes=(12,12), in_channels=1, out_channels=1, hidden_channels=64) >>> model FNO( (positional_embedding): GridEmbeddingND() (local_no_blocks): LocalNOBlocks( (convs): SpectralConv( (weight): ModuleList( (0-3): 4 x DenseTensor(shape=torch.Size([64, 64, 12, 7]), rank=None) ) ) ... torch.nn.Module printout truncated ...
- forward(x, output_shape=None, **kwargs)[source]
FNO’s forward pass
Applies optional positional encoding
- Sends inputs through a lifting layer to a high-dimensional latent
Applies optional domain padding to high-dimensional intermediate function representation
Applies n_layers Local NO layers in sequence (Differential + optional DISCO + skip connections, nonlinearity)
If domain padding was applied, domain padding is removed
Projection of intermediate function representation to the output channels
- Parameters:
- xtensor
input tensor
- output_shape{tuple, tuple list, None}, default is None
Gives the option of specifying the exact output shape for odd shaped inputs.
If None, don’t specify an output shape
If tuple, specifies the output-shape of the last FNO Block
If tuple list, specifies the exact output-shape of each FNO Block