
class neuralop.layers.local_no_block.LocalNOBlocks(in_channels, out_channels, n_modes, default_in_shape, resolution_scaling_factor=None, n_layers=1, disco_layers=True, disco_kernel_shape=[2, 4], radius_cutoff=None, domain_length=[2, 2], disco_groups=1, disco_bias=True, diff_layers=True, conv_padding_mode='periodic', fin_diff_kernel_size=3, mix_derivatives=True, max_n_modes=None, local_no_block_precision='full', use_channel_mlp=False, channel_mlp_dropout=0, channel_mlp_expansion=0.5, non_linearity=<built-in function gelu>, stabilizer=None, norm=None, ada_in_features=None, preactivation=False, local_no_skip='linear', channel_mlp_skip='soft-gating', separable=False, factorization=None, rank=1.0, conv_module=<class 'neuralop.layers.spectral_convolution.SpectralConv'>, fixed_rank_modes=False, implementation='factorized', decomposition_kwargs={}, fft_norm='forward', **kwargs)[source]

LocalNOBlocks implements a sequence of Fourier layers, the operations of which are first described in [1]. The exact implementation details of the Fourier layer architecture are discussed in [2]. The Fourier layers are placed in parallel with differential kernel layers and local integral layers, as described in [3].


input channels to Fourier layers


output channels after Fourier layers

n_modesint, List[int]

number of modes to keep along each dimension in frequency space. Can either be specified as an int (for all dimensions) or an iterable with one number per dimension


Default input shape on spatiotemporal dimensions.

resolution_scaling_factorOptional[Union[Number, List[Number]]], optional

factor by which to scale outputs for super-resolution, by default None

n_layersint, optional

number of Fourier layers to apply in sequence, by default 1

disco_layersbool or bool list, optional

Must be same length as n_layers, dictates whether to include a local integral kernel parallel connection at each layer. If a single bool, shared for all layers.

disco_kernel_shape: Union[int, List[int]]

kernel shape for local integral. Expects either a single integer for isotropic kernels or two integers for anisotropic kernels

domain_length: torch.Tensor, optional

extent/length of the physical domain. Assumes square domain [-1, 1]^2 by default

disco_groups: int, optional

number of groups in the local integral convolution, by default 1

disco_bias: bool, optional

whether to use a bias for the integral kernel, by default True

radius_cutoff: float, optional

cutoff radius (with respect to domain_length) for the local integral kernel, by default None

diff_layersbool or bool list, optional

Must be same length as n_layers, dictates whether to include a differential kernel parallel connection at each layer. If a single bool, shared for all layers.

conv_padding_modestr in [‘periodic’, ‘circular’, ‘replicate’, ‘reflect’, ‘zeros’], optional

Padding mode for spatial convolution kernels.

fin_diff_kernel_sizeodd int, optional

Conv kernel size for finite difference convolution.

mix_derivativesbool, optional

Whether to mix derivatives across channels.

max_n_modesint, List[int], optional

maximum number of modes to keep along each dimension, by default None

local_no_block_precisionstr, optional

floating point precision to use for computations, by default “full”

channel_mlp_dropoutint, optional

dropout parameter for self.channel_mlp, by default 0

channel_mlp_expansionfloat, optional

expansion parameter for self.channel_mlp, by default 0.5

non_linearitytorch.nn.F module, optional

nonlinear activation function to use between layers, by default F.gelu

stabilizerLiteral[“tanh”], optional

stabilizing module to use between certain layers, by default None if “tanh”, use tanh

normLiteral[“ada_in”, “group_norm”, “instance_norm”], optional

Normalization layer to use, by default None

ada_in_featuresint, optional

number of features for adaptive instance norm above, by default None

preactivationbool, optional

whether to call forward pass with pre-activation, by default False if True, call nonlinear activation and norm before Fourier convolution if False, call activation and norms after Fourier convolutions

local_no_skipstr, optional

module to use for Local NO skip connections, by default “linear” see layers.skip_connections for more details

channel_mlp_skipstr, optional

module to use for ChannelMLP skip connections, by default “soft-gating” see layers.skip_connections for more details



forward(x[, index, output_shape])

Define the computation performed at every call.


Returns a sub-NO Block layer from the jointly parametrized main block


Sets the embeddings of each Ada-IN norm layers



Other Parameters:
complex_databool, optional

whether the Local NO’s data takes on complex values in space, by default False

separablebool, optional

separable parameter for SpectralConv, by default False

factorizationstr, optional

factorization parameter for SpectralConv, by default None

rankfloat, optional

rank parameter for SpectralConv, by default 1.0

conv_moduleBaseConv, optional

module to use for convolutions in Local NO block, by default SpectralConv

joint_factorizationbool, optional

whether to factorize all spectralConv weights as one tensor, by default False

fixed_rank_modesbool, optional

fixed_rank_modes parameter for SpectralConv, by default False

implementationstr, optional

implementation parameter for SpectralConv, by default “factorized”

decomposition_kwargs_type_, optional

kwargs for tensor decomposition in SpectralConv, by default dict()



Li, Z. et al. “Fourier Neural Operator for Parametric Partial Differential Equations” (2021). ICLR 2021,


Kossaifi, J., Kovachki, N., Azizzadenesheli, K., Anandkumar, A. “Multi-Grid Tensorized Fourier Neural Operator for High-Resolution PDEs” (2024). TMLR 2024,


Liu-Schiaffini M., Berner J., Bonev B., Kurth T., Azizzadenesheli K., Anandkumar A.; “Neural Operators with Localized Integral and Differential Kernels” (2024). ICML 2024,


Sets the embeddings of each Ada-IN norm layers

embeddingstensor or list of tensor

if a single embedding is given, it will be used for each norm layer otherwise, each embedding will be used for the corresponding norm layer

forward(x, index=0, output_shape=None)[source]

Define the computation performed at every call.

Should be overridden by all subclasses.


Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the Module instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.


Returns a sub-NO Block layer from the jointly parametrized main block

The parametrization of an LocalNOBlock layer is shared with the main one.