data_losses.py contains code to compute standard data objective
functions for training Neural Operators.
By default, losses expect arguments y_pred (model predictions) and y (ground y.)
import math
from typing import List
import torch
from .finite_diff import central_diff_1d, central_diff_2d, central_diff_3d
#loss function with rel/abs Lp loss
class LpLoss(object):
LpLoss provides the L-p norm between two
discretized d-dimensional functions
def __init__(self, d=1, p=2, L=2*math.pi, reduce_dims=0, reductions='sum'):
d : int, optional
dimension of data on which to compute, by default 1
p : int, optional
order of L-norm, by default 2
L-p norm: [\sum_{i=0}^n (x_i - y_i)**p] ** (1/p)
L : float or list, optional
quadrature weights per dim, by default 2*math.pi
either single scalar for each dim, or one per dim
reduce_dims : int, optional
dimensions across which to reduce for loss, by default 0
reductions : str, optional
whether to reduce each dimension above
by summing ('sum') or averaging ('mean')
self.d = d
self.p = p
if isinstance(reduce_dims, int):
self.reduce_dims = [reduce_dims]
self.reduce_dims = reduce_dims
if self.reduce_dims is not None:
allowed_reductions = ["sum", "mean"]
if isinstance(reductions, str):
assert reductions == 'sum' or reductions == 'mean',\
f"error: expected `reductions` to be one of {allowed_reductions}, got {reductions}"
self.reductions = [reductions]*len(self.reduce_dims)
for j in range(len(reductions)):
assert reductions[j] == 'sum' or reductions[j] == 'mean',\
f"error: expected `reductions` to be one of {allowed_reductions}, got {reductions[j]}"
self.reductions = reductions
if isinstance(L, float):
self.L = [L]*self.d
self.L = L
def name(self):
return f"L{self.p}_{self.d}Dloss"
def reduce_all(self, x):
reduce x across all dimensions in self.reduce_dims
according to self.reductions
x: torch.Tensor
for j in range(len(self.reduce_dims)):
if self.reductions[j] == 'sum':
x = torch.sum(x, dim=self.reduce_dims[j], keepdim=True)
x = torch.mean(x, dim=self.reduce_dims[j], keepdim=True)
return x
def abs(self, x, y, h=None):
"""absolute Lp-norm
x : torch.Tensor
y : torch.Tensor
h : float or list, optional
normalization constants for reduction
either single scalar or one per dimension
#Assume uniform mesh
if h is None:
h = self.uniform_h(x)
if isinstance(h, float):
h = [h]*self.d
const = math.prod(h)**(1.0/self.p)
diff = const*torch.norm(torch.flatten(x, start_dim=-self.d) - torch.flatten(y, start_dim=-self.d), \
p=self.p, dim=-1, keepdim=False)
if self.reduce_dims is not None:
diff = self.reduce_all(diff).squeeze()
return diff
def rel(self, x, y):
rel: relative LpLoss
computes ||x-y||/||y||
x : torch.Tensor
y : torch.Tensor
diff = torch.norm(torch.flatten(x, start_dim=-self.d) - torch.flatten(y, start_dim=-self.d), \
p=self.p, dim=-1, keepdim=False)
ynorm = torch.norm(torch.flatten(y, start_dim=-self.d), p=self.p, dim=-1, keepdim=False)
diff = diff/ynorm
if self.reduce_dims is not None:
diff = self.reduce_all(diff).squeeze()
return diff
def __call__(self, y_pred, y, **kwargs):
return self.rel(y_pred, y)
class H1Loss(object):
H1Loss provides the H1 Sobolev norm between
two d-dimensional discretized functions
def __init__(self, d=1, L=2*math.pi, reduce_dims=0, reductions='sum', fix_x_bnd=False, fix_y_bnd=False, fix_z_bnd=False):
d : int, optional
dimension of input functions, by default 1
L : int or list, optional
quadrature weights (single or by dimension), by default 2*math.pi
reduce_dims : int, optional
dimensions across which to reduce for loss, by default 0
reductions : str, optional
whether to reduce each dimension above
by summing ('sum') or averaging ('mean')
fix_x_bnd : bool, optional
whether to fix finite difference derivative
computation on the x boundary, by default False
fix_y_bnd : bool, optional
whether to fix finite difference derivative
computation on the y boundary, by default False
fix_z_bnd : bool, optional
whether to fix finite difference derivative
computation on the z boundary, by default False
assert d > 0 and d < 4, "Currently only implemented for 1, 2, and 3-D."
self.d = d
self.fix_x_bnd = fix_x_bnd
self.fix_y_bnd = fix_y_bnd
self.fix_z_bnd = fix_z_bnd
if isinstance(reduce_dims, int):
self.reduce_dims = [reduce_dims]
self.reduce_dims = reduce_dims
if self.reduce_dims is not None:
if isinstance(reductions, str):
assert reductions == 'sum' or reductions == 'mean'
self.reductions = [reductions]*len(self.reduce_dims)
for j in range(len(reductions)):
assert reductions[j] == 'sum' or reductions[j] == 'mean'
self.reductions = reductions
if isinstance(L, float):
self.L = [L]*self.d
self.L = L
def name(self):
return f"H1_{self.d}DLoss"
def compute_terms(self, x, y, h):
"""compute_terms computes the necessary
finite-difference derivative terms for computing
the H1 norm
x : torch.Tensor
y : torch.Tensor
h : int or list
discretization size (single or per dim)
dict_x = {}
dict_y = {}
if self.d == 1:
dict_x[0] = x
dict_y[0] = y
x_x = central_diff_1d(x, h[0], fix_x_bnd=self.fix_x_bnd)
y_x = central_diff_1d(y, h[0], fix_x_bnd=self.fix_x_bnd)
dict_x[1] = x_x
dict_y[1] = y_x
elif self.d == 2:
dict_x[0] = torch.flatten(x, start_dim=-2)
dict_y[0] = torch.flatten(y, start_dim=-2)
x_x, x_y = central_diff_2d(x, h, fix_x_bnd=self.fix_x_bnd, fix_y_bnd=self.fix_y_bnd)
y_x, y_y = central_diff_2d(y, h, fix_x_bnd=self.fix_x_bnd, fix_y_bnd=self.fix_y_bnd)
dict_x[1] = torch.flatten(x_x, start_dim=-2)
dict_x[2] = torch.flatten(x_y, start_dim=-2)
dict_y[1] = torch.flatten(y_x, start_dim=-2)
dict_y[2] = torch.flatten(y_y, start_dim=-2)
dict_x[0] = torch.flatten(x, start_dim=-3)
dict_y[0] = torch.flatten(y, start_dim=-3)
x_x, x_y, x_z = central_diff_3d(x, h, fix_x_bnd=self.fix_x_bnd, fix_y_bnd=self.fix_y_bnd, fix_z_bnd=self.fix_z_bnd)
y_x, y_y, y_z = central_diff_3d(y, h, fix_x_bnd=self.fix_x_bnd, fix_y_bnd=self.fix_y_bnd, fix_z_bnd=self.fix_z_bnd)
dict_x[1] = torch.flatten(x_x, start_dim=-3)
dict_x[2] = torch.flatten(x_y, start_dim=-3)
dict_x[3] = torch.flatten(x_z, start_dim=-3)
dict_y[1] = torch.flatten(y_x, start_dim=-3)
dict_y[2] = torch.flatten(y_y, start_dim=-3)
dict_y[3] = torch.flatten(y_z, start_dim=-3)
return dict_x, dict_y
def reduce_all(self, x):
reduce x across all dimensions in self.reduce_dims
according to self.reductions
x: torch.Tensor
for j in range(len(self.reduce_dims)):
if self.reductions[j] == 'sum':
x = torch.sum(x, dim=self.reduce_dims[j], keepdim=True)
x = torch.mean(x, dim=self.reduce_dims[j], keepdim=True)
return x
def abs(self, x, y, h=None):
"""absolute H1 norm
x : torch.Tensor
y : torch.Tensor
h : float or list, optional
normalization constant for reduction, by default None
#Assume uniform mesh
if h is None:
h = self.uniform_h(x)
if isinstance(h, float):
h = [h]*self.d
dict_x, dict_y = self.compute_terms(x, y, h)
const = math.prod(h)
diff = const*torch.norm(dict_x[0] - dict_y[0], p=2, dim=-1, keepdim=False)**2
for j in range(1, self.d + 1):
diff += const*torch.norm(dict_x[j] - dict_y[j], p=2, dim=-1, keepdim=False)**2
diff = diff**0.5
if self.reduce_dims is not None:
diff = self.reduce_all(diff).squeeze()
return diff
def rel(self, x, y, h=None):
"""relative H1-norm
x : torch.Tensor
y : torch.Tensor
h : float or list, optional
normalization constant for reduction, by default None
#Assume uniform mesh
if h is None:
h = self.uniform_h(x)
if isinstance(h, float):
h = [h]*self.d
dict_x, dict_y = self.compute_terms(x, y, h)
diff = torch.norm(dict_x[0] - dict_y[0], p=2, dim=-1, keepdim=False)**2
ynorm = torch.norm(dict_y[0], p=2, dim=-1, keepdim=False)**2
for j in range(1, self.d + 1):
diff += torch.norm(dict_x[j] - dict_y[j], p=2, dim=-1, keepdim=False)**2
ynorm += torch.norm(dict_y[j], p=2, dim=-1, keepdim=False)**2
diff = (diff**0.5)/(ynorm**0.5)
if self.reduce_dims is not None:
diff = self.reduce_all(diff).squeeze()
return diff
def __call__(self, y_pred, y, h=None, **kwargs):
y_pred : torch.Tensor
y : torch.Tensor
h : float or list, optional
normalization constant for reduction, by default None
return self.rel(y_pred, y, h=h)
class PointwiseQuantileLoss(object):
def __init__(self, alpha, reduce_dims = 0, reductions='sum'):
"""PointwiseQuantileLoss computes Quantile Loss described in [1]_
alpha : float
value, between 0 and 1, of the proportion of points
in the output domain expected to fall within predicted quantiles
reduce_dims : int, optional
dimensions to reduce when summing, by default 0
This loss was formulated for functions with a co-domain in R,
so for now only 0 is supported
reductions : str, optional
how to apply reduction (sum or mean), by default 'sum'
.. _[1]:
Ma, Z., Azizzadenesheli, K., Anandkumar, A., (2024).
Calibrated Uncertainty Quantification for Operator Learning via Conformal Prediction
ArXiV preprint, https://arxiv.org/html/2402.01960v1
self.alpha = alpha
if isinstance(reduce_dims, int):
self.reduce_dims = [reduce_dims]
self.reduce_dims = reduce_dims
if self.reduce_dims is not None:
allowed_reductions = ["sum", "mean"]
if isinstance(reductions, str):
assert reductions == 'sum' or reductions == 'mean',\
f"error: expected `reductions` to be one of {allowed_reductions}, got {reductions}"
self.reductions = [reductions]*len(self.reduce_dims)
for j in range(len(reductions)):
assert reductions[j] == 'sum' or reductions[j] == 'mean',\
f"error: expected `reductions` to be one of {allowed_reductions}, got {reductions[j]}"
self.reductions = reductions
def reduce_all(self, x):
for j in range(len(self.reduce_dims)):
if self.reductions[j] == 'sum':
x = torch.sum(x, dim=self.reduce_dims[j], keepdim=True)
x = torch.mean(x, dim=self.reduce_dims[j], keepdim=True)
return x
def __call__(self, y_pred, y, eps=1e-7, **kwargs):
y_pred : torch.tensor
predicted pointwise quantile widths
y : torch.tensor
true pointwise diffs (model pred - ytrue)
quantile = 1 - self.alpha
y_abs = torch.abs(y)
diff = y_abs - y_pred
yscale, _ = torch.max(y_abs, dim=0)
yscale = yscale + eps
ptwise_loss = torch.max(quantile * diff, -(1-quantile) * diff)
# scale pointwise loss: with prob 1-q it's weighed by q and prob q weighed by 1-q
ptwise_loss_scaled = ptwise_loss / 2 / quantile / (1 - quantile) / yscale
ptavg_loss = ptwise_loss_scaled.view(ptwise_loss_scaled.shape[0], -1).mean(1, keepdim=True)
if self.reduce_dims is not None:
loss_batch = self.reduce_all(ptavg_loss).squeeze()
return loss_batch
class MSELoss(object):
MSELoss computes absolute mean-squared error between two tensors.
def __init__(self, reductions='sum'):
allowed_reductions = ['sum', 'mean']
assert reductions in allowed_reductions, f"error: expected `reductions` to be one of {allowed_reductions}, got {reductions}"
self.reductions = reductions
def __call__(self, y_pred: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor, dim: List[int]=None, **kwargs):
"""MSE loss call
y_pred : torch.Tensor
tensor of predictions
y : torch.Tensor
ground truth, must be same shape as x
dim : List[int], optional
dimensions across which to compute MSE, by default None
if dim is None:
dim = list(range(1, y_pred.ndim)) # no reduction across batch dim
if self.reductions == 'sum':
return torch.mean((y_pred - y) ** 2, dim=dim).sum() # sum of MSEs for each element
elif self.reductions == 'mean':
return torch.mean((y_pred - y) ** 2, dim=dim).mean()