Source code for neuralop.layers.spherical_convolution

from typing import List, Optional, Union

import torch
from torch import nn
from torch_harmonics import RealSHT, InverseRealSHT

import tensorly as tl
from tensorly.plugins import use_opt_einsum
from tltorch.factorized_tensors.core import FactorizedTensor

from neuralop.utils import validate_scaling_factor
from .base_spectral_conv import BaseSpectralConv


einsum_symbols = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"

def _contract_dense(x, weight, separable=False, dhconv=True):
    order = tl.ndim(x)
    # batch-size, in_channels, x, y...
    x_syms = list(einsum_symbols[:order])

    # in_channels, out_channels, x, y...
    weight_syms = list(x_syms[1:])  # no batch-size

    # batch-size, out_channels, x, y...
    if separable:
        out_syms = [x_syms[0]] + list(weight_syms)
        weight_syms.insert(1, einsum_symbols[order])  # outputs
        out_syms = list(weight_syms)
        out_syms[0] = x_syms[0]
    if dhconv:

    eq = "".join(x_syms) + "," + "".join(weight_syms) + "->" + "".join(out_syms)

    if not torch.is_tensor(weight):
        weight = weight.to_tensor()

    return tl.einsum(eq, x, weight)

def _contract_dense_separable(x, weight, separable=True, dhconv=False):
    if not separable:
        raise ValueError("This function is only for separable=True")
    if dhconv:
        return x * weight.unsqueeze(-1)
    return x * weight

def _contract_cp(x, cp_weight, separable=False, dhconv=True):
    order = tl.ndim(x)

    x_syms = str(einsum_symbols[:order])
    rank_sym = einsum_symbols[order]
    out_sym = einsum_symbols[order + 1]
    out_syms = list(x_syms)

    if separable:
        factor_syms = [einsum_symbols[1] + rank_sym]  # in only
        out_syms[1] = out_sym
        factor_syms = [einsum_symbols[1] + rank_sym, out_sym + rank_sym]  # in, out

    if dhconv:
        factor_syms += [xs + rank_sym for xs in x_syms[2:-1]]  # x, y, ...
        factor_syms += [xs + rank_sym for xs in x_syms[2:]]  # x, y, ...

    eq = (
        x_syms + "," + rank_sym + "," + ",".join(factor_syms) + "->" + "".join(out_syms)

    return tl.einsum(eq, x, cp_weight.weights, *cp_weight.factors)

def _contract_tucker(x, tucker_weight, separable=False, dhconv=False):
    order = tl.ndim(x)

    x_syms = str(einsum_symbols[:order])
    out_sym = einsum_symbols[order]
    out_syms = list(x_syms)
    if separable:
        core_syms = einsum_symbols[order + 1 : 2 * order]
        # factor_syms = [einsum_symbols[1]+core_syms[0]] #in only
        factor_syms = [xs + rs for (xs, rs) in zip(x_syms[1:], core_syms)]  # x, y, ...

    elif dhconv:
        core_syms = einsum_symbols[order + 1 : 2 * order]
        out_syms[1] = out_sym
        factor_syms = [
            einsum_symbols[1] + core_syms[0],
            out_sym + core_syms[1],
        ]  # out, in
        factor_syms += [
            xs + rs for (xs, rs) in zip(x_syms[2:], core_syms[2:])
        ]  # x, y, ...
        core_syms = einsum_symbols[order + 1 : 2 * order + 1]
        out_syms[1] = out_sym
        factor_syms = [
            einsum_symbols[1] + core_syms[0],
            out_sym + core_syms[1],
        ]  # out, in
        factor_syms += [
            xs + rs for (xs, rs) in zip(x_syms[2:], core_syms[2:])
        ]  # x, y, ...

    eq = (
        + ","
        + core_syms
        + ","
        + ",".join(factor_syms)
        + "->"
        + "".join(out_syms)

    return tl.einsum(eq, x, tucker_weight.core, *tucker_weight.factors)

def _contract_tt(x, tt_weight, separable=False, dhconv=False):
    order = tl.ndim(x)

    x_syms = list(einsum_symbols[:order])
    weight_syms = list(x_syms[1:])  # no batch-size
    if not separable:
        weight_syms.insert(1, einsum_symbols[order])  # outputs
        out_syms = list(weight_syms)
        out_syms[0] = x_syms[0]
        out_syms = list(x_syms)

    if dhconv:
        weight_syms = weight_syms[:-1]  # no batch-size, no y dim

    rank_syms = list(einsum_symbols[order + 1 :])
    tt_syms = []
    for i, s in enumerate(weight_syms):
        tt_syms.append([rank_syms[i], s, rank_syms[i + 1]])
    eq = (
        + ","
        + ",".join("".join(f) for f in tt_syms)
        + "->"
        + "".join(out_syms)

    return tl.einsum(eq, x, *tt_weight.factors)

def get_contract_fun(weight, implementation="reconstructed", separable=False):
    """Generic ND implementation of Fourier Spectral Conv contraction

    weight : tensorly-torch's FactorizedTensor
    implementation : {'reconstructed', 'factorized'}, default is 'reconstructed'
        whether to reconstruct the weight and do a forward pass (reconstructed)
        or contract directly the factors of the factorized weight with the input
    separable : bool
        whether to use the separable implementation of contraction. This arg is
        only checked when `implementation=reconstructed`.

    function : (x, weight) -> x * weight in Fourier space
    if implementation == "reconstructed":
        if separable:
            return _contract_dense_separable
            return _contract_dense
    elif implementation == "factorized":
        if torch.is_tensor(weight):
            return _contract_dense
        elif isinstance(weight, FactorizedTensor):
                return _contract_dense
                return _contract_tucker
                return _contract_tt
                return _contract_cp
                raise ValueError(f"Got unexpected factorized weight type {}")
            raise ValueError(
                f"Got unexpected weight type of class {weight.__class__.__name__}"
        raise ValueError(
            f'Got implementation={implementation}, expected "reconstructed" or '

Number = Union[int, float]

class SHT(nn.Module):
    """A wrapper for the Spherical Harmonics transform 

    Allows to call it with an interface similar to that of FFT
    def __init__(self, dtype=torch.float32, device=None):
        self.device = device
        self.dtype = dtype
        self._SHT_cache = nn.ModuleDict()
        self._iSHT_cache = nn.ModuleDict()

    def sht(self, x, s=None, norm="ortho", grid="equiangular"):
        *_, height, width = x.shape # height = latitude, width = longitude
        if s is None:
            if grid == "equiangular":
                modes_width = height // 2
                modes_width = height
            modes_height = height
            modes_height, modes_width = s

        cache_key = f"{height}_{width}_{modes_height}_{modes_width}_{norm}_{grid}"

            sht = self._SHT_cache[cache_key]
        except KeyError:
            sht = (
            self._SHT_cache[cache_key] = sht
        return sht(x)

    def isht(self, x, s=None, norm="ortho", grid="equiangular"):
        *_, modes_height, modes_width = x.shape # height = latitude, width = longitude
        if s is None:
            if grid == "equiangular":
                width = modes_width*2
                width = modes_width
            height = modes_height
            height, width = s

        cache_key = f"{height}_{width}_{modes_height}_{modes_width}_{norm}_{grid}"

            isht = self._iSHT_cache[cache_key]
        except KeyError:
            isht = (
            self._iSHT_cache[cache_key] = isht
        return isht(x)

[docs] class SphericalConv(BaseSpectralConv): """Spherical Convolution, base class for the SFNO [1]_ Parameters ---------- sht_norm : str, {'ortho'} sht_grids : str or str list, default is "equiangular", {"equiangular", "legendre-gauss"} * If str, the same grid is used for all layers * If list, should have n_layers + 1 values, corresponding to the input and output grid of each layer e.g. for 1 layer, ["input_grid", "output_grid"] See SpectralConv for full list of other parameters References ---------- .. [1] Spherical Fourier Neural Operators: Learning Stable Dynamics on the Sphere, Boris Bonev, Thorsten Kurth, Christian Hundt, Jaideep Pathak, Maximilian Baust, Karthik Kashinath, Anima Anandkumar, ICML 2023. """ def __init__( self, in_channels, out_channels, n_modes, max_n_modes=None, bias=True, separable=False, resolution_scaling_factor: Optional[Union[Number, List[Number]]] = None, fno_block_precision="full", rank=0.5, factorization="cp", implementation="reconstructed", fixed_rank_modes=False, joint_factorization=False, decomposition_kwargs=dict(), init_std="auto", sht_norm="ortho", sht_grids="equiangular", device=None, dtype=torch.float32, complex_data=False # dummy param until we unify dtype interface ): super().__init__(dtype=dtype, device=device) self.in_channels = in_channels self.out_channels = out_channels self.joint_factorization = joint_factorization if isinstance(n_modes, int): n_modes = [n_modes] self._n_modes = n_modes self.order = len(n_modes) if max_n_modes is None: max_n_modes = self.n_modes elif isinstance(max_n_modes, int): max_n_modes = [max_n_modes] self.max_n_modes = max_n_modes self.rank = rank self.factorization = factorization self.implementation = implementation self.resolution_scaling_factor: Union[ None, List[List[float]] ] = validate_scaling_factor(resolution_scaling_factor, self.order) if init_std == "auto": init_std = (2 / (in_channels + out_channels))**0.5 else: init_std = init_std if isinstance(fixed_rank_modes, bool): if fixed_rank_modes: # If bool, keep the number of layers fixed fixed_rank_modes = [0] else: fixed_rank_modes = None # Make sure we are using a Complex Factorized Tensor to parametrize the conv if factorization is None: factorization = "Dense" # No factorization if not factorization.lower().startswith("complex"): factorization = f"Complex{factorization}" if separable: if in_channels != out_channels: raise ValueError( "To use separable Fourier Conv, in_channels must be equal " f"to out_channels, but got in_channels={in_channels} " f"and out_channels={out_channels}", ) weight_shape = (in_channels, *self.n_modes[:-1]) else: weight_shape = (in_channels, out_channels, *self.n_modes[:-1]) self.separable = separable self.weight = weight_shape, rank=self.rank, factorization=factorization, fixed_rank_modes=fixed_rank_modes, **decomposition_kwargs, ) self.weight.normal_(0, init_std) self._contract = get_contract_fun( self.weight, implementation=implementation, separable=separable ) if bias: self.bias = nn.Parameter( init_std * torch.randn(*(tuple([self.out_channels]) + (1,) * self.order)) ) else: self.bias = None self.sht_norm = sht_norm if isinstance(sht_grids, str): sht_grids = [sht_grids]*2 self.sht_grids = sht_grids print(f"{self.sht_grids=}") self.sht_handle = SHT(dtype=self.dtype, device=self.device)
[docs] def transform(self, x, output_shape=None): *_, in_height, in_width = x.shape if self.resolution_scaling_factor is not None and output_shape is None: height = round(in_height * self.resolution_scaling_factor[0]) width = round(in_width * self.resolution_scaling_factor[1]) elif output_shape is not None: height, width = output_shape[0], output_shape[1] else: height, width = in_height, in_width # Return the identity if the resolution and grid of the input and output are the same if ((in_height, in_width) == (height, width)) and (self.sht_grids[0] == self.sht_grids[1]): return x else: coefs = self.sht_handle.sht(x, s=self.n_modes, norm=self.sht_norm, grid=self.sht_grids[0]) return self.sht_handle.isht(coefs, s=(height, width), norm=self.sht_norm, grid=self.sht_grids[1])
[docs] def forward(self, x, output_shape=None): """Generic forward pass for the Factorized Spectral Conv Parameters ---------- x : torch.Tensor input activation of size (batch_size, channels, d1, ..., dN) Returns ------- tensorized_spectral_conv(x) """ batchsize, channels, height, width = x.shape if self.resolution_scaling_factor is not None and output_shape is None: scaling_factors = self.resolution_scaling_factor height = round(height * scaling_factors[0]) width = round(width * scaling_factors[1]) elif output_shape is not None: height, width = output_shape[0], output_shape[1] out_fft = self.sht_handle.sht(x, s=(self.n_modes[0], self.n_modes[1]//2), norm=self.sht_norm, grid=self.sht_grids[0]) out_fft = self._contract( out_fft[:, :, :self.n_modes[0], :self.n_modes[1]//2], self.weight[:, :, :self.n_modes[0]], separable=self.separable, dhconv=True, ) x = self.sht_handle.isht(out_fft, s=(height, width), norm=self.sht_norm, grid=self.sht_grids[1]) if self.bias is not None: x = x + self.bias return x
@property def n_modes(self): return self._n_modes @n_modes.setter def n_modes(self, n_modes): if isinstance(n_modes, int): # Should happen for 1D FNO only n_modes = [n_modes] else: n_modes = list(n_modes) self._n_modes = n_modes