Source code for

import logging
import os
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union, List

from import DataLoader

from .pt_dataset import PTDataset
from .web_utils import download_from_zenodo_record

from neuralop.utils import get_project_root

logger = logging.Logger(logging.root.level)

[docs] class DarcyDataset(PTDataset): """ DarcyDataset stores data generated according to Darcy's Law. Input is a coefficient function and outputs describe flow. Data source: Attributes ---------- train_db: of training examples test_db: "" of test examples data_processor: to process data examples optional, default is None """ def __init__(self, root_dir: Union[Path, str], n_train: int, n_tests: List[int], batch_size: int, test_batch_sizes: List[int], train_resolution: int, test_resolutions: int=[16,32], encode_input: bool=False, encode_output: bool=True, encoding="channel-wise", channel_dim=1, subsampling_rate=None, download: bool=True): """DarcyDataset Parameters ---------- root_dir : Union[Path, str] root at which to download data files dataset_name : str prefix of pt data files to store/access n_train : int number of train instances n_tests : List[int] number of test instances per test dataset batch_size : int batch size of training set test_batch_sizes : List[int] batch size of test sets train_resolution : int resolution of data for training set test_resolutions : List[int], optional resolution of data for testing sets, by default [16,32] encode_input : bool, optional whether to normalize inputs in provided DataProcessor, by default False encode_output : bool, optional whether to normalize outputs in provided DataProcessor, by default True encoding : str, optional parameter for input/output normalization. Whether to normalize by channel ("channel-wise") or by pixel ("pixel-wise"), default "channel-wise" input_subsampling_rate : int or List[int], optional rate at which to subsample each input dimension, by default None output_subsampling_rate : int or List[int], optional rate at which to subsample each output dimension, by default None channel_dim : int, optional dimension of saved tensors to index data channels, by default 1 """ # convert root dir to Path if isinstance(root_dir, str): root_dir = Path(root_dir) if not root_dir.exists(): root_dir.mkdir(parents=True) # Zenodo record ID for Darcy-Flow dataset zenodo_record_id = "12784353" # List of resolutions needed for dataset object resolutions = set(test_resolutions + [train_resolution]) # We store data at these resolutions on the Zenodo archive available_resolutions = [16, 32, 64, 128, 421] for res in resolutions: assert res in available_resolutions, f"Error: resolution {res} not available" # download darcy data from zenodo archive if passed if download: files_to_download = [] already_downloaded_files = [x for x in root_dir.iterdir()] for res in resolutions: if f"darcy_train_{res}.pt" not in already_downloaded_files or \ f"darcy_test_{res}.pt" not in already_downloaded_files: files_to_download.append(f"darcy_{res}.tgz") download_from_zenodo_record(record_id=zenodo_record_id, root=root_dir, files_to_download=files_to_download) # once downloaded/if files already exist, init PTDataset super().__init__(root_dir=root_dir, dataset_name="darcy", n_train=n_train, n_tests=n_tests, batch_size=batch_size, test_batch_sizes=test_batch_sizes, train_resolution=train_resolution, test_resolutions=test_resolutions, encode_input=encode_input, encode_output=encode_output, encoding=encoding, channel_dim=channel_dim, input_subsampling_rate=subsampling_rate, output_subsampling_rate=subsampling_rate)
# legacy Small Darcy Flow example example_data_root = get_project_root() / "neuralop/data/datasets/data"
[docs] def load_darcy_flow_small(n_train, n_tests, batch_size, test_batch_sizes, data_root = example_data_root, test_resolutions=[16, 32], encode_input=False, encode_output=True, encoding="channel-wise", channel_dim=1,): dataset = DarcyDataset(root_dir = data_root, n_train=n_train, n_tests=n_tests, batch_size=batch_size, test_batch_sizes=test_batch_sizes, train_resolution=16, test_resolutions=test_resolutions, encode_input=encode_input, encode_output=encode_output, channel_dim=channel_dim, encoding=encoding, download=False) # return dataloaders for backwards compat train_loader = DataLoader(dataset.train_db, batch_size=batch_size, num_workers=0, pin_memory=True, persistent_workers=False,) test_loaders = {} for res,test_bsize in zip(test_resolutions, test_batch_sizes): test_loaders[res] = DataLoader(dataset.test_dbs[res], batch_size=test_bsize, shuffle=False, num_workers=0, pin_memory=True, persistent_workers=False,) return train_loader, test_loaders, dataset.data_processor
# legacy pt Darcy Flow loader def load_darcy_pt(n_train, n_tests, batch_size, test_batch_sizes, data_root = "./neuralop/data/datasets/data", train_resolution=16, test_resolutions=[16, 32], encode_input=False, encode_output=True, encoding="channel-wise", channel_dim=1,): dataset = DarcyDataset(root_dir = data_root, n_train=n_train, n_tests=n_tests, batch_size=batch_size, test_batch_sizes=test_batch_sizes, train_resolution=train_resolution, test_resolutions=test_resolutions, encode_input=encode_input, encode_output=encode_output, encoding=encoding, channel_dim=channel_dim, download=False) # return dataloaders for backwards compat train_loader = DataLoader(dataset.train_db, batch_size=batch_size, num_workers=0, pin_memory=True, persistent_workers=False,) test_loaders = {} for res,test_bsize in zip(test_resolutions, test_batch_sizes): test_loaders[res] = DataLoader(dataset.test_dbs[res], batch_size=test_bsize, shuffle=False, num_workers=0, pin_memory=True, persistent_workers=False,) return train_loader, test_loaders, dataset.data_processor