Source code for

Callbacks store all non-essential logic
required to run specific training scripts. 

The callbacks in this module follow the form and 
logic of callbacks in Pytorch-Lightning (

import os
from pathlib import Path
import sys
from typing import List, Union, Literal

import torch
import wandb

from .training_state import save_training_state
from neuralop.utils import compute_rank, compute_stable_rank, compute_explained_variance

[docs] class Callback(object): """ Base callback class. Each abstract method is called in the trainer's training loop at the appropriate time. Callbacks are stateful, meaning they keep track of a state and update it throughout the lifetime of a Trainer class. Storing the state as a dict enables the Callback to keep track of references to underlying parts of the Trainer's process, such as models, cost functions and output encoders """ def __init__(self): self.state_dict = {} def _update_state_dict(self, **kwargs): self.state_dict.update(kwargs) def on_init_start(self, **kwargs): pass def on_init_end(self, *args, **kwargs): pass def on_before_train(self, *args, **kwargs): pass def on_train_start(self, *args, **kwargs): pass def on_epoch_start(self, *args, **kwargs): pass def on_batch_start(self, *args, **kwargs): pass def on_load_to_device(self, *args, **kwargs): pass def on_before_forward(self, *args, **kwargs): pass def on_before_loss(self, *args, **kwargs): pass def compute_training_loss(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError def on_batch_end(self, *args, **kwargs): pass def on_epoch_end(self, *args, **kwargs): pass def on_train_end(self, *args, **kwargs): pass def on_before_val(self, *args, **kwargs): pass def on_val_epoch_start(self, *args, **kwargs): pass def on_val_batch_start(self, *args, **kwargs): pass def on_before_val_loss(self, **kwargs): pass def compute_val_loss(self, *args, **kwargs): pass def on_val_batch_end(self, *args, **kwargs): pass def on_val_epoch_end(self, *args, **kwargs): pass def on_val_end(self, *args, **kwargs): pass
class PipelineCallback(Callback): def __init__(self, callbacks: List[Callback]): """ PipelineCallback handles logic for the case in which a user passes more than one Callback to a trainer. Parameters ---------- callbacks : List[Callback] list of Callbacks to use in Trainer """ self.callbacks = callbacks overrides_device_load = [ "on_load_to_device" in c.__class__.__dict__.keys() for c in callbacks ] assert ( sum(overrides_device_load) < 2 ), "More than one callback cannot override device loading" if sum(overrides_device_load) == 1: self.device_load_callback_idx = overrides_device_load.index(True) print("using custom callback to load data to device.") else: self.device_load_callback_idx = None print("using standard method to load data to device.") # unless loss computation is overriden, call a basic loss function calculation overrides_loss = [ "compute_training_loss" in c.__class__.__dict__.keys() for c in callbacks ] if sum(overrides_loss) >= 1: self.overrides_loss = True print("using custom callback to compute loss.") else: self.overrides_loss = False print("using standard method to compute loss.") def _update_state_dict(self, **kwargs): for c in self.callbacks: c._update_state_dict(kwargs) def on_init_start(self, *args, **kwargs): for c in self.callbacks: c.on_init_start(*args, **kwargs) def on_init_end(self, *args, **kwargs): for c in self.callbacks: c.on_init_end(*args, **kwargs) def on_before_train(self, *args, **kwargs): for c in self.callbacks: c.on_before_train(*args, **kwargs) def on_train_start(self, *args, **kwargs): for c in self.callbacks: c.on_train_start(*args, **kwargs) def on_epoch_start(self, *args, **kwargs): for c in self.callbacks: c.on_epoch_start(*args, **kwargs) def on_batch_start(self, *args, **kwargs): for c in self.callbacks: c.on_batch_start(*args, **kwargs) def on_load_to_device(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.device_load_callback_idx: self.callbacks[self.device_load_callback_idx].on_load_to_device( *args, *kwargs ) def on_before_forward(self, *args, **kwargs): for c in self.callbacks: c.on_before_forward(*args, **kwargs) def on_before_loss(self, *args, **kwargs): for c in self.callbacks: c.on_before_loss(*args, **kwargs) def compute_training_loss(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.overrides_loss: for c in self.callbacks: c.compute_training_loss(*args, **kwargs) else: pass def on_batch_end(self, *args, **kwargs): for c in self.callbacks: c.on_batch_end(*args, **kwargs) def on_epoch_end(self, *args, **kwargs): for c in self.callbacks: c.on_epoch_end(*args, **kwargs) def on_train_end(self, *args, **kwargs): for c in self.callbacks: c.on_train_end(*args, **kwargs) def on_before_val(self, *args, **kwargs): for c in self.callbacks: c.on_before_val(*args, **kwargs) def on_val_epoch_start(self, *args, **kwargs): for c in self.callbacks: c.on_val_epoch_start(*args, **kwargs) def on_val_batch_start(self, *args, **kwargs): for c in self.callbacks: c.on_val_batch_start(*args, **kwargs) def on_before_val_loss(self, *args, **kwargs): for c in self.callbacks: c.on_before_val_loss(*args, **kwargs) def compute_val_loss(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.overrides_loss: for c in self.callbacks: c.compute_val_loss(*args, **kwargs) else: pass def on_val_batch_end(self, *args, **kwargs): for c in self.callbacks: c.on_val_batch_end(*args, **kwargs) def on_val_epoch_end(self, *args, **kwargs): for c in self.callbacks: c.on_val_epoch_end(*args, **kwargs) def on_val_end(self, *args, **kwargs): for c in self.callbacks: c.on_val_end(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] class BasicLoggerCallback(Callback): """ Callback that implements simple logging functionality expected when passing verbose to a Trainer """ def __init__(self, wandb_kwargs=None): super().__init__() if wandb_kwargs: wandb.init(**wandb_kwargs) def on_init_end(self, *args, **kwargs): self._update_state_dict(**kwargs) def on_train_start(self, **kwargs): self._update_state_dict(**kwargs) train_loader = self.state_dict["train_loader"] test_loaders = self.state_dict["test_loaders"] verbose = self.state_dict["verbose"] n_train = len(train_loader.dataset) self._update_state_dict(n_train=n_train) if not isinstance(test_loaders, dict): test_loaders = dict(test=test_loaders) if verbose: print(f"Training on {n_train} samples") print( f"Testing on {[len(loader.dataset) for loader in test_loaders.values()]} samples" f" on resolutions {[name for name in test_loaders]}." ) sys.stdout.flush() def on_epoch_start(self, epoch): self._update_state_dict(epoch=epoch) def on_batch_start(self, idx, **kwargs): self._update_state_dict(idx=idx) def on_before_loss(self, out, **kwargs): if ( self.state_dict["epoch"] == 0 and self.state_dict["idx"] == 0 and self.state_dict["verbose"] ): print(f"Raw outputs of size {out.shape=}") def on_before_val(self, epoch, train_err, time, avg_loss, avg_lasso_loss, **kwargs): # track training err and val losses to print at interval epochs msg = f"[{epoch}] time={time:.2f}, avg_loss={avg_loss:.4f}, train_err={train_err:.4f}" values_to_log = dict(train_err=train_err, time=time, avg_loss=avg_loss) self._update_state_dict(msg=msg, values_to_log=values_to_log) self._update_state_dict(avg_lasso_loss=avg_lasso_loss) def on_val_epoch_end(self, errors, **kwargs): for loss_name, loss_value in errors.items(): if isinstance(loss_value, float): self.state_dict["msg"] += f", {loss_name}={loss_value:.4f}" else: loss_value = {i: e.item() for (i, e) in enumerate(loss_value)} self.state_dict["msg"] += f", {loss_name}={loss_value}" self.state_dict["values_to_log"][loss_name] = loss_value def on_val_end(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.state_dict.get("regularizer", False): avg_lasso = self.state_dict.get("avg_lasso_loss", 0.0) avg_lasso /= self.state_dict.get("n_epochs") self.state_dict["msg"] += f", avg_lasso={avg_lasso:.5f}" print(self.state_dict["msg"]) sys.stdout.flush() if self.state_dict.get("wandb_log", False): for pg in self.state_dict["optimizer"].param_groups: lr = pg["lr"] self.state_dict["values_to_log"]["lr"] = lr wandb.log( self.state_dict["values_to_log"], step=self.state_dict["epoch"] + 1, commit=True, )
[docs] class CheckpointCallback(Callback): def __init__( self, save_dir: Union[Path, str], save_best: str = None, save_interval: int = 1, save_optimizer: bool = False, save_scheduler: bool = False, save_regularizer: bool = False, resume_from_dir: Union[Path, str] = None, ): """CheckpointCallback handles saving and resuming training state from checkpoint .pt save files. Parameters ---------- save_dir : Union[Path, str], optional folder in which to save checkpoints, by default './checkpoints' save_best : str, optional metric to monitor for best value in order to save state save_interval : int, optional interval on which to save/check metric, by default 1 save_optimizer : bool, optional whether to save optimizer state, by default False save_scheduler : bool, optional whether to save scheduler state, by default False save_regularizer : bool, optional whether to save regularizer state, by default False resume_from_dir : Union[Path, str], optional folder from which to resume training state. Expects saved states in the form: (all but model optional) ( or,,, All state files present will be loaded. if some metric was monitored during checkpointing, the file name will be """ super().__init__() if isinstance(save_dir, str): save_dir = Path(save_dir) if not save_dir.exists(): save_dir.mkdir(parents=True) self.save_dir = save_dir self.save_interval = save_interval self.save_best = save_best self.save_optimizer = save_optimizer self.save_scheduler = save_scheduler self.save_regularizer = save_regularizer if resume_from_dir: if isinstance(resume_from_dir, str): resume_from_dir = Path(resume_from_dir) assert resume_from_dir.exists() self.resume_from_dir = resume_from_dir def on_init_end(self, *args, **kwargs): self._update_state_dict(**kwargs) def on_train_start(self, *args, **kwargs): self._update_state_dict(**kwargs) verbose = self.state_dict.get("verbose", False) if self.save_best: assert self.state_dict[ "eval_losses" ], "Error: cannot monitor a metric if no validation metrics exist." assert ( self.save_best in self.state_dict["eval_losses"].keys() ), "Error: cannot monitor a metric outside of eval_losses." self.best_metric_value = float("inf") else: self.best_metric_value = None # load state dict if resume_from_dir is given if self.resume_from_dir: saved_modules = [x.stem for x in self.resume_from_dir.glob("*.pt")] assert ( "best_model_state_dict" in saved_modules or "model_state_dict" in saved_modules ), "Error: CheckpointCallback expects a model state dict named or" # no need to handle exceptions if assertion that either model file exists passes if "best_model_state_dict" in saved_modules: if hasattr(self.state_dict["model"], "load_checkpoint"): self.state_dict["model"].load_checkpoint( save_folder=self.resume_from_dir, save_name="best_model" ) else: self.state_dict["model"].load_state_dict( torch.load(self.resume_from_dir / "") ) if verbose: print(f"Loading model state from") else: if hasattr(self.state_dict["model"], "load_checkpoint"): self.state_dict["model"].load_checkpoint( save_folder=self.resume_from_dir, save_name="model" ) else: self.state_dict["model"].load_state_dict( torch.load(self.resume_from_dir / "") ) if verbose: print(f"Loading model state from") # load all of optimizer, scheduler, regularizer if they exist for module in ["optimizer", "scheduler", "regularizer"]: if module in saved_modules: self.state_dict[module].load_state_dict( torch.load(self.resume_from_dir / f"{module}.pt") ) def on_epoch_start(self, *args, **kwargs): self._update_state_dict(**kwargs) def on_val_epoch_start(self, *args, **kwargs): self._update_state_dict(**kwargs)
[docs] def on_val_epoch_end(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Update state dict with errors """ self._update_state_dict(**kwargs)
[docs] def on_epoch_end(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Save state to dir if all conditions are met """ if self.save_best: log_prefix = self.state_dict["log_prefix"] if ( self.state_dict["errors"][f"{log_prefix}_{self.save_best}"] < self.best_metric_value ): metric_cond = True else: metric_cond = False else: metric_cond = True # Save states to save_dir if self.state_dict["epoch"] % self.save_interval == 0 and metric_cond: # save model or no matter what if self.save_best: model_name = "best_model" else: model_name = "model" save_training_state( self.save_dir, model_name, model=self.state_dict["model"], optimizer=self.state_dict.get("optimizer", None), regularizer=self.state_dict.get("regularizer", None), scheduler=self.state_dict.get("scheduler", None), ) if self.state_dict["verbose"]: print(f"Saved training state to {self.save_dir}")
class IncrementalCallback(Callback): """ Callback that implements the Incremental Algorithm - Both the Gradient explained and Loss Gap versions incremental : bool, default is False if True, use the base incremental algorithm which is based on gradient variance uses the incremental_grad_eps parameter - set the threshold for gradient variance uses the incremental_buffer paramater - sets the number of buffer modes to calculate the gradient variance uses the incremental_max_iter parameter - sets the initial number of iterations uses the incremental_grad_max_iter parameter - sets the maximum number of iterations to accumulate the gradients incremental_loss_gap : bool, default is False if True, use the incremental algorithm based on loss gap uses the incremental_loss_eps parameter """ def __init__(self, incremental_grad: bool = False, incremental_loss_gap: bool = False, incremental_grad_eps: float = 0.001, incremental_buffer: int = 5, incremental_max_iter: int = 1, incremental_grad_max_iter: int = 10, incremental_loss_eps: float = 0.001 ): super().__init__() self.incremental_loss_gap = incremental_loss_gap self.incremental_grad = incremental_grad self.incremental = self.incremental_loss_gap or self.incremental_grad assert self.incremental, "Error: IncrementalCallback expects at least one incremental algorithm to be True." assert not (self.incremental_loss_gap and self.incremental_grad), "Error: IncrementalCallback expects only one incremental algorithm to be True." self.incremental_grad_eps = incremental_grad_eps self.incremental_buffer = incremental_buffer self.incremental_max_iter = incremental_max_iter self.incremental_grad_max_iter = incremental_grad_max_iter self.incremental_loss_eps = incremental_loss_eps self.loss_list = [] self.mode = "Train" def on_init_end(self, *args, **kwargs): self._update_state_dict(**kwargs) def on_train_start(self, **kwargs): self._update_state_dict(**kwargs) train_loader = self.state_dict['train_loader'] test_loaders = self.state_dict['test_loaders'] verbose = self.state_dict['verbose'] n_train = len(train_loader.dataset) self._update_state_dict(n_train=n_train) if not isinstance(test_loaders, dict): test_loaders = dict(test=test_loaders) if verbose: print(f'Training on {n_train} samples') print(f'Testing on {[len(loader.dataset) for loader in test_loaders.values()]} samples' f' on resolutions {[name for name in test_loaders]}.') sys.stdout.flush() def on_epoch_start(self, epoch): self._update_state_dict(epoch=epoch) def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, **kwargs): self._update_state_dict(epoch=epoch) print(f'Currently the model is using incremental_n_modes = {self.state_dict["model"].fno_blocks.convs.n_modes}') def on_batch_start(self, idx, **kwargs): self._update_state_dict(idx=idx) self.mode = "Train" = self.state_dict['data_processor'] if is not None: = self.mode = self.state_dict['epoch'] def on_before_loss(self, out, **kwargs): if self.state_dict['epoch'] == 0 and self.state_dict['idx'] == 0 \ and self.state_dict['verbose']: print(f'Raw outputs of size {out.shape=}') def on_before_val(self, epoch, train_err, time, avg_loss, avg_lasso_loss, **kwargs): # track training err and val losses to print at interval epochs msg = f'[{epoch}] time={time:.2f}, avg_loss={avg_loss:.4f}, train_err={train_err:.4f}' self.step(avg_loss) self._update_state_dict(msg=msg) self._update_state_dict(avg_lasso_loss=avg_lasso_loss) def on_val_epoch_end(self, errors, **kwargs): for loss_name, loss_value in errors.items(): if isinstance(loss_value, float): self.state_dict['msg'] += f', {loss_name}={loss_value:.4f}' else: loss_value = {i:e.item() for (i, e) in enumerate(loss_value)} self.state_dict['msg'] += f', {loss_name}={loss_value}' def on_val_batch_start(self, *args, **kwargs): self.mode = "Validation" if is not None: = self.mode = self.state_dict['epoch'] def on_val_end(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.state_dict.get('regularizer', False): avg_lasso = self.state_dict.get('avg_lasso_loss', 0.) avg_lasso /= self.state_dict.get('n_epochs') self.state_dict['msg'] += f', avg_lasso={avg_lasso:.5f}' print(self.state_dict['msg']) sys.stdout.flush() # Main step function: which algorithm to run def step(self, loss=None): if self.incremental_loss_gap and loss is not None: self.loss_gap(loss) if self.incremental_grad: self.grad_explained() # Algorithm 1: Incremental def loss_gap(self, loss): self.loss_list.append(loss) self.ndim = len(self.state_dict['model'].fno_blocks.convs.n_modes) # method 1: loss_gap incremental_modes = self.state_dict['model'].fno_blocks.convs.n_modes[0] max_modes = self.state_dict['model'].fno_blocks.convs.max_n_modes[0] if len(self.loss_list) > 1: if abs(self.loss_list[-1] - self.loss_list[-2]) <= self.incremental_loss_eps: if incremental_modes < max_modes: incremental_modes += 1 modes_list = tuple([incremental_modes] * self.ndim) self.state_dict['model'].fno_blocks.convs.n_modes = modes_list # Algorithm 2: Gradient based explained ratio def grad_explained(self): # for mode 1 if not hasattr(self, 'accumulated_grad'): self.accumulated_grad = torch.zeros_like( self.state_dict['model'].fno_blocks.convs.weight[0]) if not hasattr(self, 'grad_iter'): self.grad_iter = 1 self.ndim = len(self.state_dict['model'].fno_blocks.convs.n_modes) if self.grad_iter <= self.incremental_grad_max_iter: self.grad_iter += 1 self.accumulated_grad += self.state_dict['model'].fno_blocks.convs.weight[0] else: incremental_final = [] for i in range(self.ndim): max_modes = self.state_dict['model'].fno_blocks.convs.max_n_modes[i] incremental_modes = self.state_dict['model'].fno_blocks.convs.n_modes[i] weight = self.accumulated_grad strength_vector = [] for mode_index in range( min(weight.shape[1], incremental_modes)): strength = torch.norm( weight[:, mode_index, :], p='fro') strength_vector.append(strength) expained_ratio = compute_explained_variance( incremental_modes - self.incremental_buffer, torch.Tensor(strength_vector)) if expained_ratio < self.incremental_grad_eps: if incremental_modes < max_modes: incremental_modes += 1 incremental_final.append(incremental_modes) # update the modes and frequency dimensions self.grad_iter = 1 self.accumulated_grad = torch.zeros_like( self.state_dict['model'].fno_blocks.convs.weight[0]) main_modes = incremental_final[0] modes_list = tuple([main_modes] * self.ndim) self.state_dict['model'].fno_blocks.convs.n_modes = tuple(modes_list)