API reference

neuralop: Neural Operators in Python


In neuralop.models, we provide neural operator models you can directly use on your applications.


We provide a general Fourier Neural Operator (TFNO) that supports most usecases.

We have a generic interface that works for any dimension, which is inferred based on n_modes (a tuple with the number of modes to keep in the Fourier domain for each dimension.)

FNO(*args, **kwargs)

N-Dimensional Fourier Neural Operator

We also have dimension-specific classes:

FNO1d(*args, **kwargs)

1D Fourier Neural Operator

FNO2d(*args, **kwargs)

2D Fourier Neural Operator

FNO3d(*args, **kwargs)

3D Fourier Neural Operator

Tensorized FNO (TFNO)

N-D version:

TFNO(*args, **kwargs)

N-Dimensional Fourier Neural Operator

Dimension-specific classes:

TFNO1d(*args, **kwargs)

1D Fourier Neural Operator

TFNO2d(*args, **kwargs)

2D Fourier Neural Operator

TFNO3d(*args, **kwargs)

3D Fourier Neural Operator

Spherical Fourier Neural Operators (SFNO)

SFNO(*args, **kwargs)

N-Dimensional Spherical Fourier Neural Operator

U-shaped Neural Operators (U-NO)

UNO(in_channels, out_channels, hidden_channels)

U-Shaped Neural Operator [1]_


In addition to the full architectures, we also provide in neuralop.layers building blocks, in the form of PyTorch layers, that you can use to build your own models:

Spectral convolutions (in Fourier domain):

SpectralConv(in_channels, out_channels, n_modes)

Generic N-Dimensional Fourier Neural Operator

SpectralConv1d(in_channels, out_channels, ...)

1D Spectral Conv

SpectralConv2d(in_channels, out_channels, ...)

2D Spectral Conv, see neuralop.layers.SpectraConv for the general case

SpectralConv3d(in_channels, out_channels, ...)

3D Spectral Conv, see neuralop.layers.SpectraConv for the general case

Spherical convolutions: (using Spherical Harmonics)

SphericalConv(in_channels, out_channels, n_modes)

Spherical Convolution, base class for the SFNO [Radd7fd10dc7a-1]

Automatically apply resolution dependent domain padding:

DomainPadding(domain_padding[, ...])

Applies domain padding scaled automatically to the input's resolution

SoftGating(in_features[, out_features, ...])

Applies soft-gating by weighting the channels of the given input

skip_connection(in_features, out_features[, ...])

A wrapper for several types of skip connections.

Model Dispatching

We provide a utility function to create model instances from a configuration. It has the advantage of doing some checks on the parameters it receives.


Returns an instantiated model for the given config


List the available neural operators


We provide functionality that automates the boilerplate code associated with training a machine learning model to minimize a loss function on a dataset:

Trainer(*, model, n_epochs[, wandb_log, ...])


The general case (assuming no modifications) is covered above. To implement domain-specific logic in your training loop while still using the automation and logging provided by a Trainer, we provide a Callback class and several examples of common domain-specific Callbacks.

Callbacks store all non-essential logic required to run specific training scripts.

The callbacks in this module follow the form and logic of callbacks in Pytorch-Lightning (https://lightning.ai/docs/pytorch/stable)


Base callback class.


Callback that implements simple logging functionality expected when passing verbose to a Trainer

CheckpointCallback(save_dir[, save_best, ...])



We ship a small dataset for testing:

load_darcy_flow_small(n_train, n_tests, ...)

Loads a small Darcy-Flow dataset

Much like PyTorch’s Torchvision.Datasets module, our Datasets module also includes utilities to transform data from its raw form into the form expected by models and loss functions:

DefaultDataProcessor([in_normalizer, ...])


MGPatchingDataProcessor(model, levels, ...)
