Source code for

import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch
from ..layers.mlp import MLP
from ..layers.spectral_convolution import SpectralConv
from ..layers.skip_connections import skip_connection
from ..layers.padding import DomainPadding
from ..layers.fno_block import FNOBlocks
from ..layers.resample import resample

[docs] class UNO(nn.Module): """U-Shaped Neural Operator [1]_ Parameters ---------- in_channels : int, optional Number of input channels, by default 3 out_channels : int, optional Number of output channels, by default 1 hidden_channels : int initial width of the UNO (i.e. number of channels) lifting_channels : int, optional number of hidden channels of the lifting block of the FNO, by default 256 projection_channels : int, optional number of hidden channels of the projection block of the FNO, by default 256 n_layers : int, optional Number of Fourier Layers, by default 4 uno_out_channels: list Number of output channel of each Fourier Layers. Eaxmple: For a Five layer UNO uno_out_channels can be [32,64,64,64,32] uno_n_modes: list Number of Fourier Modes to use in integral operation of each Fourier Layers (along each dimension). Example: For a five layer UNO with 2D input the uno_n_modes can be: [[5,5],[5,5],[5,5],[5,5],[5,5]] uno_scalings: list Scaling Factors for each Fourier Layers Example: For a five layer UNO with 2D input, the uno_scalings can be : [[1.0,1.0],[0.5,0.5],[1,1],[1,1],[2,2]] horizontal_skips_map: Dict, optional a map {...., b: a, ....} denoting horizontal skip connection from a-th layer to b-th layer. If None default skip connection is applied. Example: For a 5 layer UNO architecture, the skip connections can be horizontal_skips_map ={4:0,3:1} incremental_n_modes : None or int tuple, default is None * If not None, this allows to incrementally increase the number of modes in Fourier domain during training. Has to verify n <= N for (n, m) in zip(incremental_n_modes, n_modes). * If None, all the n_modes are used. This can be updated dynamically during training. use_mlp : bool, optional Whether to use an MLP layer after each FNO block, by default False mlp : dict, optional Parameters of the MLP, by default None {'expansion': float, 'dropout': float} non_linearity : nn.Module, optional Non-Linearity module to use, by default F.gelu norm : F.module, optional Normalization layer to use, by default None preactivation : bool, default is False if True, use resnet-style preactivation skip : {'linear', 'identity', 'soft-gating'}, optional Type of skip connection to use, by default 'soft-gating' separable : bool, default is False if True, use a depthwise separable spectral convolution factorization : str or None, {'tucker', 'cp', 'tt'} Tensor factorization of the parameters weight to use, by default None. * If None, a dense tensor parametrizes the Spectral convolutions * Otherwise, the specified tensor factorization is used. joint_factorization : bool, optional Whether all the Fourier Layers should be parametrized by a single tensor (vs one per layer), by default False rank : float or rank, optional Rank of the tensor factorization of the Fourier weights, by default 1.0 fixed_rank_modes : bool, optional Modes to not factorize, by default False implementation : {'factorized', 'reconstructed'}, optional, default is 'factorized' If factorization is not None, forward mode to use:: * `reconstructed` : the full weight tensor is reconstructed from the factorization and used for the forward pass * `factorized` : the input is directly contracted with the factors of the decomposition decomposition_kwargs : dict, optional, default is {} Optionaly additional parameters to pass to the tensor decomposition domain_padding : None or float, optional If not None, percentage of padding to use, by default None domain_padding_mode : {'symmetric', 'one-sided'}, optional How to perform domain padding, by default 'one-sided' fft_norm : str, optional by default 'forward' [1] : U-NO: U-shaped Neural Operators, Md Ashiqur Rahman, Zachary E Ross, Kamyar Azizzadenesheli, TMLR 2022 """ def __init__( self, in_channels, out_channels, hidden_channels, lifting_channels=256, projection_channels=256, n_layers=4, uno_out_channels=None, uno_n_modes=None, uno_scalings=None, horizontal_skips_map=None, incremental_n_modes=None, use_mlp=False, mlp_dropout=0, mlp_expansion=0.5, non_linearity=F.gelu, norm=None, preactivation=False, fno_skip="linear", horizontal_skip="linear", mlp_skip="soft-gating", separable=False, factorization=None, rank=1.0, joint_factorization=False, fixed_rank_modes=False, integral_operator=SpectralConv, operator_block=FNOBlocks, implementation="factorized", decomposition_kwargs=dict(), domain_padding=None, domain_padding_mode="one-sided", fft_norm="forward", normalizer=None, verbose=False, **kwargs ): super().__init__() self.n_layers = n_layers assert uno_out_channels is not None, "uno_out_channels can not be None" assert uno_n_modes is not None, "uno_n_modes can not be None" assert uno_scalings is not None, "uno_scalings can not be None" assert ( len(uno_out_channels) == n_layers ), "Output channels for all layers are not given" assert ( len(uno_n_modes) == n_layers ), "number of modes for all layers are not given" assert ( len(uno_scalings) == n_layers ), "Scaling factor for all layers are not given" self.n_dim = len(uno_n_modes[0]) self.uno_out_channels = uno_out_channels self.uno_n_modes = uno_n_modes self.uno_scalings = uno_scalings self.hidden_channels = hidden_channels self.lifting_channels = lifting_channels self.projection_channels = projection_channels self.in_channels = in_channels self.out_channels = out_channels self.horizontal_skips_map = horizontal_skips_map self.joint_factorization = joint_factorization self.non_linearity = non_linearity self.rank = rank self.factorization = factorization self.fixed_rank_modes = fixed_rank_modes self.decomposition_kwargs = decomposition_kwargs self.fno_skip = (fno_skip,) self.mlp_skip = (mlp_skip,) self.fft_norm = fft_norm self.implementation = implementation self.separable = separable self.preactivation = preactivation self._incremental_n_modes = incremental_n_modes self.operator_block = operator_block self.integral_operator = integral_operator # constructing default skip maps if self.horizontal_skips_map is None: self.horizontal_skips_map = {} for i in range( 0, n_layers // 2, ): # example, if n_layers = 5, then 4:0, 3:1 self.horizontal_skips_map[n_layers - i - 1] = i # self.uno_scalings may be a 1d list specifying uniform scaling factor at each layer # or a 2d list, where each row specifies scaling factors along each dimention. # To get the final (end to end) scaling factors we need to multiply # the scaling factors (a list) of all layer. self.end_to_end_scaling_factor = [1] * len(self.uno_scalings[0]) # multiplying scaling factors for k in self.uno_scalings: self.end_to_end_scaling_factor = [ i * j for (i, j) in zip(self.end_to_end_scaling_factor, k) ] # list with a single element is replaced by the scaler. if len(self.end_to_end_scaling_factor) == 1: self.end_to_end_scaling_factor = self.end_to_end_scaling_factor[0] if isinstance(self.end_to_end_scaling_factor, (float, int)): self.end_to_end_scaling_factor = [ self.end_to_end_scaling_factor ] * self.n_dim if verbose: print("calculated out factor", self.end_to_end_scaling_factor) if domain_padding is not None and ( (isinstance(domain_padding, list) and sum(domain_padding) > 0) or (isinstance(domain_padding, (float, int)) and domain_padding > 0) ): self.domain_padding = DomainPadding( domain_padding=domain_padding, padding_mode=domain_padding_mode, output_scaling_factor=self.end_to_end_scaling_factor, ) else: self.domain_padding = None self.domain_padding_mode = domain_padding_mode self.lifting = MLP( in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=self.hidden_channels, hidden_channels=self.lifting_channels, n_layers=2, n_dim=self.n_dim, ) self.fno_blocks = nn.ModuleList([]) self.horizontal_skips = torch.nn.ModuleDict({}) prev_out = self.hidden_channels for i in range(self.n_layers): if i in self.horizontal_skips_map.keys(): prev_out = ( prev_out + self.uno_out_channels[self.horizontal_skips_map[i]] ) self.fno_blocks.append( self.operator_block( in_channels=prev_out, out_channels=self.uno_out_channels[i], n_modes=self.uno_n_modes[i], use_mlp=use_mlp, mlp_dropout=mlp_dropout, mlp_expansion=mlp_expansion, output_scaling_factor=[self.uno_scalings[i]], non_linearity=non_linearity, norm=norm, preactivation=preactivation, fno_skip=fno_skip, mlp_skip=mlp_skip, incremental_n_modes=incremental_n_modes, rank=rank, SpectralConv=self.integral_operator, fft_norm=fft_norm, fixed_rank_modes=fixed_rank_modes, implementation=implementation, separable=separable, factorization=factorization, decomposition_kwargs=decomposition_kwargs, joint_factorization=joint_factorization, normalizer=normalizer, ) ) if i in self.horizontal_skips_map.values(): self.horizontal_skips[str(i)] = skip_connection( self.uno_out_channels[i], self.uno_out_channels[i], skip_type=horizontal_skip, n_dim=self.n_dim, ) prev_out = self.uno_out_channels[i] self.projection = MLP( in_channels=prev_out, out_channels=out_channels, hidden_channels=self.projection_channels, n_layers=2, n_dim=self.n_dim, non_linearity=non_linearity, )
[docs] def forward(self, x, **kwargs): x = self.lifting(x) if self.domain_padding is not None: x = self.domain_padding.pad(x) output_shape = [ int(round(i * j)) for (i, j) in zip(x.shape[-self.n_dim :], self.end_to_end_scaling_factor) ] skip_outputs = {} cur_output = None for layer_idx in range(self.n_layers): if layer_idx in self.horizontal_skips_map.keys(): skip_val = skip_outputs[self.horizontal_skips_map[layer_idx]] output_scaling_factors = [ m / n for (m, n) in zip(x.shape, skip_val.shape) ] output_scaling_factors = output_scaling_factors[-1 * self.n_dim :] t = resample( skip_val, output_scaling_factors, list(range(-self.n_dim, 0)) ) x =[x, t], dim=1) if layer_idx == self.n_layers - 1: cur_output = output_shape x = self.fno_blocks[layer_idx](x, output_shape=cur_output) if layer_idx in self.horizontal_skips_map.values(): skip_outputs[layer_idx] = self.horizontal_skips[str(layer_idx)](x) if self.domain_padding is not None: x = self.domain_padding.unpad(x) x = self.projection(x) return x